Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Coronavirus: Should we be worried about our Dogs and Cats?


The coronavirus 2019 (or COVID-19) disease, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is now on the lips of all news readers around the world. The epidemic which started in Wuhan, China, is now raging across the planet and was therefore declared a pandemic on March 11 by the director of the World Health Organization.


Perhaps you have followed the news and know that a tiger from the New York zoo tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus on April 5? In fact, several zoo cats have shown symptoms of respiratory illness following the probable contact with an employee infected with COVID-19.


As this kind of test requires a general anesthesia on such exotic animals, and since these animals had a high anesthetic risk due to their symptoms, it was agreed to test only one tiger for COVID-19, for their safety. It is therefore assumed that these other zoo felines may also have been affected by this coronavirus.

So, what does this mean for our dear pets?

 Until now, we thought they were safe from this highly contagious virus. Is this still the case?

 Do we need to take extra precautions to protect our dogs and cats from COVID-19?

 Certainly, the large family of coronaviruses includes around 40 different viruses and some can actually infect cats and dogs. But what about the dreaded COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)?

 The rest of this article will answer your questions.



 Now that coronavirus is much more common in society, it has been reported that there is a possibility of infection in animals who are in close contact with humans infected with COVID-19.

 As there had been no study on the subject and no case had been reported until recently in animals, the scientific community assumed that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 from a human to an animal was minimal, or even non-existent. However, the recent case of the tiger in New York, the first animal that tested positive for the virus in the United States, has changed this theory.

 In addition, a certain number of cases of COVID-19 in dogs and cats have also been reported worldwide.

 That said, although it’s possible, the risk of pets being infected with this disease still seems very low. The cases that exist to date are very isolated.

 Studies are underway to better understand the transmission of COVID-19 in animals, but for the moment, no scientific study officially confirms the risk of transmission of the virus to our pets.

 As of March 25 2020, tests have been done on 17 dogs and 8 cats living in families affected by COVID-19, and only two dogs have tested positive for the virus. However, it is not prudent to draw conclusions from such an experiment, given the low number of subjects tested.



 To date, there is no evidence that pets can transmit the COVID-19 virus to humans.

 Although the epidemic is suspected to have an animal source (possibly a bat) and to originate from a live animal market, the virus is now spread from person to person by droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or splutters.

 I want to be clear about this. While a minority of pets can possibly catch the virus, there is no reason to believe, at present, that dogs and cats can infect humans. And there is no reason to remove an animal from a house, even if you test positive for the virus, unless you yourself are too sick to look after it.

 The coronavirus should not be justification for the abandonment of a pet.

 If you or a family member becomes ill, simple precautions can be taken to protect your pet from COVID-19.



 If you have coronavirus, you should limit contact with your pets as much as possible, just as you would do with those living with you.

 If this is your situation, ask someone else in the house to feed your pet, for example. Avoid petting your dog or cat and do not share table food with them. If nobody can help you at home, wash your hands well before and after any contact with your pet.

 In short, how to protect your animal from COVID-19:

  • If you are sick, ask someone else in your house to take care of your pet.
  • If you are sick, avoid touching, petting, or sharing food.
  • Wash your hands frequently and cough in your elbow.
  • If your dog comes into contact with someone who is contaminated, bathe him with water and pet shampoo.
  • Do not use a Purell type disinfectant on the coat of your animals, it is much too strong.
  • Keep cats indoors and dogs on a leash when you walk. The virus can survive for a while on their coat, following contact with an infected person.
  • Strengthen your pet's immune system

 More generally, even if you are not sick, you can protect your companion by making sure you have stored enough food and medication in the event that you become ill and need to be quarantined.


 An effective and strong immune system is the best way to protect anyone (animal or human) from COVID-19 or any other virus.

 It’s the same principle for any disease.

 The body has all the defenses necessary to fight an intruder. It is therefore important to make sure you adopt a healthy lifestyle and a good diet to be sure of putting the odds on your side and on the side of your pet.

 This is particularly important in the event of a pandemic.


 As mentioned above, the tiger in New York with COVID-19 had respiratory symptoms.

 Some pets who have had this coronavirus have shown no clinical symptoms.

 The cases are still too sporadic and the studies too early to draw conclusions. It is therefore difficult to answer this question at the moment.



 The new strain of coronavirus, COVID-19, can severely affect some people and cause their death. This new coronavirus causes damage to the respiratory system and has the following symptoms

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

 Similar to the flu virus, the symptoms may be minor for some and severe for others, depending on how effective their immune system is at fighting the intruder.

 In immunocompromised people, a secondary bacterial infection (pneumonia, for example) can develop and complicate the state of health of those affected.

 Other types of coronavirus exist and several can affect our dogs and cats. These are not the subject of a pandemic, like SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), but it is still interesting to learn more about what exists in the world of viruses.


 As you probably know by now, coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, characterized by their crown shape. COVID-19 is therefore not the only disease caused by these.

 In fact, a dog can contract a canine coronavirus which affects the respiratory system (CRCoV) and two other types of coronaviruses which infect the digestive system (CCoV type I and II).


 This is part of the kennel cough complex. In other words, when a dog contracts kennel cough from contact with another dog or with a contaminated surface, it catches both this virus (or another), as well as a bacteria (Bordetella bronchiseptica). These act together and cause respiratory problems. This infection is very contagious between dogs.


 This also causes a very contagious infection, especially in puppies. It mainly causes diarrhea, but is generally without serious consequences. However, it can be dangerous when combined with another disease such as parvovirus.


 The symptoms vary depending on the type of infection, as mentioned above. Here is a list of coronavirus symptoms in dogs according to the type of canine coronavirus.



 There is a coronavirus vaccine for dogs for the intestinal coronavirus. However, there is no agreement on it in the veterinary world as this virus mainly affects young puppies. Dogs old enough to be vaccinated are less likely to get the virus.



 According to current knowledge, dogs cannot transmit coronavirus to humans, regardless of the type (respiratory or intestinal).

 However, it can transmit other types of viruses, bacteria or fungi. So, if you are unsure about your dog's diagnosis, it’s best to check with a vet in order to limit the risk of transmission.


 Can my cat get coronavirus? As mentioned above, your cat could possibly catch COVID-19 according to current theories.

 Furthermore, it is also vulnerable to feline coronavirus (FCoV). This virus can take different forms, being the intestinal form and the form responsible for feline infectious peritonitis.


 What is coronavirus in cats? The first form of feline coronavirus (FECV) is called feline enteric coronavirus (intestinal) and can cause digestive upset and symptoms such as diarrhea and sometimes vomiting. It is considered mild and is often asymptomatic (without symptoms).

 The coronavirus is transmitted very contagiously via stools and saliva. Cats living in communities or sharing a litter box, as well as cats that move about outside are therefore at greater risk of catching this virus.


 Coronavirus in cats becomes worrisome when it causes feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).

 What is FIP in cats? Following errors in its replication, the coronavirus undergoes what is called a mutation. It therefore changes from the “intestinal” form to a new form that can cause this very dangerous disease.

 How do cats get FIP? The coronavirus in question is mainly transmitted through the stool (oral-fecal contact), but also via aerosols (much like the flu).

 Feline infectious peritonitis can progress in two ways, either to a wet or dry form. Among other things, wet FIP results in an accumulation of fluids in the abdominal cavity or chest, which, as you might expect, is not good news.


 Above all, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is difficult to diagnose, as a result of its classic symptoms during the early stages. A cat may first lose its appetite, have a fever and be lethargic. A cat with FIP will not improve following antibiotic treatment.



 As you can see, the symptoms of cat FIP are very varied, which makes its detection difficult. A definite diagnosis can only be made post-mortem. Some tests do exist, however, to help the vet distinguish feline infectious peritonitis from other diseases.

  In summary, pets are probably not immune to COVID-19 (or other coronaviruses, by the way). Although the cases listed are rare at the moment, it is prudent to use precautionary measures in the event that you become ill, in order to protect your dog or cat.

 There is still no need to construct a facial mask for your doggie, but if you are sick, physical distancing and hand washing will also be useful to prevent possible transmission of the virus to your animals.

 Additionally, strengthening your pet's immune system helps ensure they have the best defenses against a virus.

 Studies are underway to teach us more about this disease in our pets. These experiments take time, so you will have to be patient.

 The whole planet is mobilizing to bring us good news as quickly as possible. Until then, it's important not to jump to any conclusions. Let us take advantage of our isolation to spend quality time with our pets, who themselves benefit from our company more than ever.

 We are living in a time of exceptional, historic and difficult crisis. We are a team, let's support each other through this event.

 Everything is going to be alright!

 Thanks for going through.

Stay safe.

About the Author

Veronique Fournier

Véronique Fournier uses her extensive knowledge to write articles about pet health for HomeoAnimal.

She earned her degree in Animal Health from Cégep La Pocatière in Quebec. Her experience includes internships on animal production farms and rehabilitating birds of prey; managing the care of up to 100 wild animals in a day at the SOS Miss Dolittle Refuge; working at the Aquarium of Quebec, where she monitored 10,000 animals of 300 different species; and as an animal health technician in a veterinary clinic, where she currently works.

She also makes lots of canine friends by volunteering at local shelters, fostering, and dog sitting for friends.

Feel free to contact me anytime at

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

General ICT questions

1) ____________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer. 

 A.    The operating system

 B.    The motherboard
 C.    The platform
 D.    Application software
2) The difference between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the: 

 A.    digital divide.

 B.    Internet divide.
 C.    Web divide.
 D.    cyberway divide.
3) Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a: 

 A.    mainframe

 B.    supercomputer
 C.    network
 D.    client
4) Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of: 

 A.    application software.

 B.    system software.
 C.    operating system software.
 D.    platform software.
5) A ____________ is approximately one billion bytes. 

 A.    bit

 B.    kilobyte
 C.    gigabyte
 D.    megabyte
6) All of the following are examples of input devices EXCEPT a: 

 A.    scanner

 B.    mouse
 C.    printer
 D.    keyboard
7) Computers use the ____________ language to process data. 

 A.    relational

 B.    megabyte
 C.    binary
 D.    processing
8) In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of: 

 A.    eight bytes.

 B.    eight characters.
 C.    eight bits.
 D.    eight kilobytes.
9) ____________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful way. 

 A.    A process

 B.    Information
 C.    Software
 D.    Storage
10) All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT: 

 A.    Viruses

 B.    Identity theft.
 C.    Hackers
 D.    Spam
11) Which of the following is an input device? 

 A.    Mouse

 B.    Keyboard
 C.    Scanner
 D.    All the above
12) The set of instructions that tells the computer what to do is 

 A.    Softcopy

 B.    Software
 C.    Hardware
 D.    Hardcopy
13) Which of the following stores more data? 

 A.    DVD

 B.    CD ROM
 C.    Floppy Disk
 D.    CD RW
14) —- is the heart of the computer and this is where all the computing is done. 

 A.    Keyboard

 B.    Monitor
 C.    Central Processing Unit
 D.    Printer
15) One byte is equivalent to 

 A.    8 bit

 B.    16 bit
 C.    32 bit
 D.    64 bit
16) To move forward through the tabs 


 D.    None of these
17) Personal computers can be connected together to form a 

 A.    server

 B.    network
 C.    supercomputer
 D.    enterprise
18) Choose the smallest memory size 

 A.    kilobyte

 B.    megabyte
 C.    gigabyte
 D.    terabyte
19) The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are called: 

 A.    instructions

 B.    operating system
 C.    application software
 D.    system unit
20) The operating system is the most common type of ____________ software. 

 A.    system

 B.    communication
 C.    application
 D.    word-processing
21) The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminals computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called: 

 A.    simulation

 B.    animation
 C.    robotics
 D.    computer forensics.
22) The base of the hexadecimal number system is 

 A.    2

 B.    8
 C.    10
 D.    16
23) Computer software includes 

 A.    Packaged programs

 B.    Application programs
 C.    Operating system programs
 D.    All of these
24) The Operating System Manages 

 A.    Processes

 B.    Memory
 C.    Disks and I/O devices
 D.    All of the above
25) Allocation of a resources in a time dependent manner to several program simultaneously called 

 A.    multi user

 B.    multi tasking
 C.    time sharing
 D.    None of these.
26) Data that are accumulated and processed in group called 

 A.    Group processing

 B.    Batch Processing
 C.    Time sharing
 D.    None of these.
27) Multiprocessing supports more then one_____ at the same time 

 A.    User

 B.    Process
 C.    Hardware
 D.    None of these.
28) Which of the following are true about firewalls? 

 A.    Follows a set of rules

 B.    Can be either a hardware or software device
 C.    Filters network traffic
 D.    All the above
29) What are the four things needed to connect to the Internet? 

 A.    Monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem

 B.    Telephone line, PDA, modem and computer
 C.    Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISP
 D.    Modem, computer, PDA and ISP
30) 1024 bytes equals: 

 A.    1 KB

 B.    1 MB
 C.    1 GB
 D.    1 TB
31) What is e-commerce? 

 A.    Buying and selling computer products

 B.    Buying and selling products and services not found in stores
 C.    Buying and selling international goods
 D.    Buying and selling products and services over the Internet
32) The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called 

 A.    Uploading

 B.    Forwarding
 C.    FTP
 D.    Downloading
33) A person who uses his expertise to gain access to other people’s computers to get information illegally or to cause damage is a 

 A.    Programmer

 B.    Analyst
 C.    Spammer
 D.    Hacker
34) What is the commonly used unit for measuring the sped of data transmission? 

 A.    Mega Hertz

 B.    Characters per second
 C.    Nano seconds
 D.    Bits per second
35) ‘Blue tooth’ technology allows 

 A.    Satellite communication

 B.    Wireless communication between equipments
 C.    Signal transmission on mobile phones only
 D.    Landline phone to mobile phone communication
36) All of the following statements concerning files are true EXCEPT: 

 A.    A file is a collection of related pieces of information stored together for easy reference.

 B.    Files can be generated from an application.
 C.    Files are stored in RAM.
 D.    Files should be organized in folders.
37) All of the following statements concerning windows are true EXCEPT: 

 A.    windows are an example of a command-driven environment.

 B.    windows can be resized and repositioned on the desktop.
 C.    more than one window can be open at a time.
 D.    toolbars and scrollbars are features of windows.
38) Verification of a login name and password is known as: 

 A.    configuration

 B.    accessibility
 C.    authentication
 D.    logging in
39) ____________ is the ability of an operating system to control the activities of multiple programs at the same time. 

 A.    Streamlining

 B.    Multiuser
 C.    Multitasking
 D.    Simulcasting
40) The operating system does all of the following EXCEPT: 

 A.    provide a way for the user to interact with the computer.

 B.    manage the central processing unit (CPU).
 C.    manage memory and storage.
 D.    enable users to perform a specific task such as document editing.
41) The term ‘Pentium’ is related to 

 A.    DVD

 B.    Hard Disk
 C.    Mouse
 D.    Microprocessor
42) Which of the following is a valid IP address? 


 C.    192.168.900.1
 D.    192.900.168.1
43) ‘LAN’ means 

 A.    Least Area Network

 B.    Large Area Network
 C.    Local Area Network
 D.    Light Area Network
44) Java is a
 A.    Operating System

 B.    Compiler
 C.    Input Device
 D.    Programming Language
45) What is the shortcut key of printing a document for computer having windows? 

 A.    Shift + P

 B.    Alt + P
 C.    Ctrl + P
 D.    Ctrl + Shift + P
46) What does HTTP stands for? 

 A.    Head Tail Transfer Protocol

 B.    Hypertext Transfer Protocol
 C.    Hypertext Transfer Plot
 D.    Hypertext Transfer Plotter
47) Which of the following is a correct format of Email address? 

 A.    sales@website@info

48) A Web site’s main page is called 

 A.    Browser Page

 B.    Search Page
 C.    Home Page
 D.    Bookmark
49) The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a 

 A.    cell

 B.    table
 C.    box
 D.    column
50) Which of the following is an example of a binary number? 

 A.    A1BCD1

 B.    23456
 C.    005
 D.    100101

ICT as Transformation Tool


ICT: ICT stand for Information and Communication Technology.  “ICT can be defined as a wide range of technological tools and resources used for transmitting, analyzing, retrieving, storing, processing and gathering information. Furthermore, ICT helps us to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” These involves the use of digital devices like digital television, computers, fax machine, mobile phones, satellite communication, GPS, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony and so on.

AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOL:  Information communication technology has being able to transform the world from several billions of Villages into one single global village. It is so important in the world today that it makes it necessary for every person to be competent in the use Information communication technology for the task they have to accomplish. Organization of all sizes, even the smallest schools and businesses, rely on computer to help them operate more efficiently and effectively.


1. Information Availability: ICT has made it possible for information to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through access on the internet. This means access to information is timely, better and cheaper.

2. Communication: Communication has become cheaper, quicker and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by the simply text messaging them or sending them an e-mail for an almost instantaneous part of the world and people can aslo be seen with the help of video conferencing.

3. Cost Effectiveness: Information communication technology helps to computerize the business process. Thus streaming business to make them extremely cost effective, money making machine. This in turn, will increase productivity, which will also increase profit and that means better pay and less strenuous working condition.

4. Bridging the cultural gap: Information communication technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another and allowing for the exchange of views and ideas, thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.

5. More business operation time: ICT has made it possible for business to be open 24×7, all over the globe. This means that a business can be open anytime, anywhere, making purchase from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have goods delivered right to your door step without having to move an inch.

6. Creation of Job Opportunities: The best advantage of information communication technology is the creation of new and interesting job. Computer programmers, system analyzers, hardware and software developed and web designers are just some of the new job opportunity created with the help of it.

7. Versatility:  Computer can perform vast activities effectively. Where the human imagination fails, computer comes into the picture, for instance, observing the motion of very fast moving particles. They can also work with different types of data and information like graphics and audio visual character.

8. E-Commerce: With ICT evolution, people do not need to leave home to shop. One can shop online on different range of products (that is, buying and selling online). It speeds up transactions and processes.

9. E-Learning: The use of ICT in schools has made it possible for the processing of student’s data using spreadsheet packages or database system.

10. Global Economy: ICT which brought about global economy has become the vital engine for national growth.

11. Provision of Research material in the Health Sector: In the health sector ICT helps in diagnosing diseases and damages to the body with body scanning machines. Also helps in innovative ways of discovery new things in science, technology etc.

12. Closes gap and distance barrier in communication: Distance becomes irrelevant in business transaction dealings and movement of people.

13. Instant Chatting: ICT helps human being to interact with each other in new ways via social networks like face book, twitter, etc.


1. UNEMPLOYMENT: While information communication technology may have streamlined the business process, it still has created job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. This means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done away with, causing more people to become unemployed.

2. PRIVACY: Though information communication technology may have made communication so easy, quicker and more convenient, it has also given rise to privacy issues, from cell phone signal interceptions to e-mail hacking, people are now worried about their private information becoming public knowledge.

3. LACK OF JOB SECURITY: Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security a big issue since technology keeps advancing each day. This means that one has to be in a constant learning mode, in order for job to be secure.

4. ADDICTION: People tend to get addicted to the internet, especially the youth. When they are supposed to view, read or download something beneficial to them, they will be on the computer playing games, watching movies, etc

5. PORNOGRAPHY: The internet serves as a storehouse for several information resources including good and bad. Youths are exposed to malicious websites on the internet where they watch pornographic movies. This affect them psychologically and emotionally.

6. CYBER-CRIME: Some people disguise themselves as businessmen and women on the internet. They defraud people by obtaining money and other valuables from them using trick

7. PLAGIARISM: The invention of ICT has made plagiarism rampant. Plagiarism is the act of copying other peoples’ work and presenting them as ones’ own.
Other problem caused by ICT includes 

1. High cost of purchasing and maintaining ICT infrastructures and the cost of training personnel.
2. There is more frequent of accidents as a result of some ICT means of transportation.
3. Air pollution and environmental pollution
4. Bad network services are still prevalent in developing countries which is a problem in ICT.
5. ICT threatens other areas/fields of human Endeavour.
8. It promotes laziness due to over dependant on machines.
9. Virus threat is another factor affecting ICT.
10. ICT causes unemployment or job losses to some individual.


An information communication technology gadget involves the technology and the applications which are used in creating communication, transmission and storage devices. There are many ICT gadgets which are used in communication technology. Some of them are:

1. GLOBAL SYSTEM FOR MOBILE (GSM): Global system for mobile communication is an ICT gadget and second generation digital technology. GSM is top-class standard gadget relied on by millions of people worldwide. Today’s GSM is a huge success wireless technology and an unprecedented story of global achievement. It is approximated that 80 percent of the world used GSM technology while making wireless calls.

2. FAX MACHINE: The fax machine is a device that can send or receive picture and text over telephone line. The idea of fax machine has been around since 1842, when Alexander Bain invented a machine capable of receiving signals from telegraph wire and translating them into images on paper. However, fax machine did not become popular until mid 1980s. A fax machine consist of an optical scanner for digitizing image on paper, a printer for printing incoming fax message and a telephone for making the connection.

3. TELEPHONE: Telephone is an electronic telecommunication device used for transmitting and receiving sounds. The most basic function of a telephone is to allow communication between two points, whether they are near or far from each other.

4. COMPUTER SYSTEM: The computer system will include the computers along with software and peripherals devices that are necessary to make the computer function. Every computer system requires an operating system.

5. PAGER: A Pager is a small telecommunication device that receives and sends alert signals or short messages. It is the size of a pocket calculator and has built in miniature keyboard and LCD screen that can display several lines of text.

6. TELEX: Telex is a communication system consisting of small typewriters connected to a telephonic network to send and receive signals or message.


• Greater efficiency throughout the school.
• Communication channels are increased through email, discussion groups and chat rooms.
• Regular use of ICT across different curriculum subjects can have a beneficial motivational influence on students’ learning.
• It provides faster, cheaper, timely and wider access to information
• It removes distance barriers in the communication, since any part of the world can be connected.
• It speeds up transmission and processing of information.
• It aids learning by providing access to a wide range of information.
• It makes business transaction easy since distance, time and space are not relevant

Friday, February 21, 2020

Can this be true, Do we still have ghost appearing to people after their death, please read this tale.

Ghost story: 

I saw a friend who I never knew he is Dead.

On 17th February 2020 I met someone who I knew in Vietnam (tho we are not too close friends but we are friends), he held me from behind oga Buchi...., then I turned and shouted "Willy" what are you doing here were are you coming from, he said he is coming from Portharcourt that he is going to Awka. This is happening in Upper Iweka Onitsha in front of Ifeanyichukwu Motors.

He brought out gold from his pocket, and told me to buy or help him to sell it. he told me he saved money with it to complete his mother's house before raining season and they have other expenses in the village to do soon, he told me he bought it 4000 Dollars. I told him that am heading to main market, let's go together but he insist I should collect the gold that he trust me. So my friend who is with me said I should collect it. 
I told him to collect my number so he will call me by then I will tell him how much they are pricing it. He said he will get his phone if he gets to Awaka. He do not know his number off-head..... I went to a nearby shop and get pen and wrote my number for him. He left in hurry. 

Later in the day he did not call me, (even till now)... I was so worried my friends told me may be he stole it or someone wants to set me up with it, I was so scared I contacted another friend who is in Vietnam and I knew that he is a little bit closer to him, we chat he then told me Willy died on 11th January (our chat is below). I can not believe it, he helped me to get his people's phone number. until on 18th I spoke with his mom (tho she was only shouting saying... Uchechi who do you leave me for). 

I was able to speak with his aunty who is a Revrend Sister. She told me my Son God will bless you..... What is the Value of what he gave me.... I said 1.440.000 Naira.... She cried as she said again My son you will never lack. She started telling me that Uchechi (they call him) is the only son, he came back on November, he will be getting married on 15th January. They killed him because he came back with Lexus. Her mother is a primary school teach who manage to build  the house to linter level, and train her 2 daughters. 

She told me that his car tumbled over 5 times (as they were told) and he died at the spot on his way from there Village to Porthercout. She told me that he has gone to dream to tell his mother's cousin to tell his mom that they should not bury him in their father's family house that, there  is where they planned for his death. He also mentioned one of his uncle and said he is the person that keeps him in this condition he is. 

But her poor mom do not have money to roof and do some finishing work in that building. It kept making them sleepless night untill I called them to tell them about this. Which they did not believe till yesterday 20/2/20 I met with 5 Members of his mothers family, I tried to look for buyers who will make it bigger in value. 

On 19th Someone connected me to one Mrs Uju Turkey...... She is traveling to Turkey for business soon she bought the gold at the cost of 1.450.000, we went to bank in Head Bridge yesterday afternoon and she send the money to his mothers account number not any other person as I directed base on what Willy said to me at Upper Iweka. Tho they showed me some of his pictures both the ones he took during his secondary and his OND days. I was fully convinced that she is his mother.

They told he he will be buried on March been next month. 

My people this world is full of Mistry...... Uwa di imirimious...

Stop Giving Your D**k To Women For Free; Charge Us For It, We’ll Pay’ — Lady Tells Men

Stop Giving Your D**k To Women For Free; Charge Us For It, We’ll Pay’ — Lady Tells Men

Published on February 20, 2020

A lady has taken to micro-blogging site, Twitter to advise men not to have S3x with women for free.

According to the Twitter user @IssaB0ss, it is stupidity for men to continue to have S3x with women for free because “d**k is so good.”

She wrote:

“Men are so f**king dumb! D**k is so good and y’all give that shit away for FREE. Charge a bitch, we got money we gon pay 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️.”

Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison To Prove They’re Above Death… They All Died.

Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison To Prove They’re Above Death… They All Died
Facebook/Grace Living Hope Ministries

This priest tried to prove his congregation were above death by feeding them rat poison and the results were disastrous…

Priest Light Monyeki from Soshanguve, South Africa, took it upon himself to prove his follower’s were superhuman and immortal, with a seriously dangerous stunt.

The priest declared to his congregation they should not fear death, as they will not die, before proceeding to pour bottles of water contaminated with rat poison into their mouths…


He said:

We do not need to proclaim faith because we are believers. Death has no power over us.

Horrifyingly, many of his followers ran forward to take a fatal drink from the treacherous bottle.

The priest took a swig from the poison fluid before pouring it down the throats of his loyal congregation.

Facebook/ Grace Living Hope Ministries

Disastrously, yet predictably, the members of his church started to complain of stomach pains and by the evening, five of them were tragically dead.

A further 13 more were taken to hospital for the ingestion of the lethal drink, but despite all of this Monyeki allegedly denied responsibility.

Instead he announced:

Too much of any good thing could be bad.Surely he’s not referring to his poison drink as a ‘good thing,’ as I do not see how this could be possible in any way considering it killed five of his members…

The horrendous incident has sparked a police investigation, but no arrests have been made at present.

This is extremely dangerous and beyond stupid.

It’s sad to think his followers put so much faith and trust in him, which ultimately cost them their lives…

Disabled man makes water heater to sell at affordable prices

Disabled man makes water heater to sell at affordable prices

However, most disabled people instead of trying to do something worthwhile rather take to the street to beg for alms.

However, this physically challenged man whose name is yet to be know instead of begging on the streets, has decided to make water heaters which he sells at affordable prices.

His story has since gone viral on social media.

He’s said to be a Nigerian. You can contact him on +23408067686839.

Below are his photos:

disabled mandisabled mandisabled mandisabled man

Feel free to Share this story till it gets to his customers

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Don’t Date a Girl who cannot Pay her Transport fare to come to see you – Nigerian Lady Advises Men

A Nigerian Lady has advised men to stop dating mentally Broke Girls.



“A girl who doesn’t have transport fare to see someone who she claims she loves

“A lady who can’t get you a birthday or a Valentine’s day gift, but expects you to bring down the world for her.

“Someone who can’t comfortably call you on phone for 5mins. Always flashing and complaining she doesn’t have airtime even when you know you just sent her airtime.

“Someone who thinks relationship is an occupation where she is supposed to be paid and taken care of Someone who’s only contribution to the relationship is sex (which is enjoyed by both parties.) She can’t add value to ur life emotionally, financially, spiritually. No matter how beautiful a lady is,never settle for less, some ladies have money& bliv it’s a guy’s duty to spend.

“I know some ladies will frown at this but i am not saying this because i have heaven n earth, no. Little things like this count in a relationship. No man can forget a lady who does this no matter how things ended between them.if u read to this point, follow me n j will fb.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Egypt confirms coronavirus case, the first in Africa


Egypt confirms coronavirus case, the first in Africa

The country's health ministry says the affected person is a 'foreigner' who is hospitalised and in isolation.

14 Feb 2020 GMT
Egypt has confirmed its first case of a deadly coronavirus that emerged in central China at the end of last year and has since spread to more than two dozen countries around the world.