Showing posts with label Dating Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dating Tips. Show all posts

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentine: 7 Unmistakable signs your boyfriend is in love with you

Valentine: 7 Unmistakable signs your boyfriend is in love with you

Some signs of true love are subtle, especially, if you are just starting a relationship. So how can you tell, if he is really into you long-term? These 7 ‘symptoms’ will help you to get the right answer!

1. He contacts you first.

Men fall in love in our absence. If he’s thinking about you, he’ll be drawn to contacting you!

2. He involves his friends.

If he’s into you, he’ll want his friends to meet you. This is a good sign.

3. He wants you to meet his family.

If he sees you like a long term girlfriend, he’ll want you to meet them and vice versa. If he considers your relationship casual, he won’t get you anywhere near his family.

4. He willingly spends most of his free time with you.

Not only will he spend the time but it will be his idea. A good sign: he tries and monopolizes Friday and Saturday, i.e. date night.

5. He shows care.

Have a problem? He’s trying to solve it. This guy will invest his time and energy into your happiness.

6. That look of love.

Man in love has a way that he looks at you. It is what people call “lingering glances.” He will maintain eye contact longer, and keep looking at you when you aren’t necessarily speaking to him.

7. He does things especially for you.

The guy who will move mountains to make you smile is a guy who has fallen for you hard.

Final sign he loves you: he actually says the L word.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Is your boyfriend or girlfriend marriage material? let them answer these 9 questions

Is your boyfriend or girlfriend marriage material? let them answer these 9 questions

For people who want their relationships to end in marriage you have to know if the one you are dating is marriage material

Couple talking  (Madame Noire)

A successful marriage is as a result of hard word from two committed people who are deeply in love with each other not just paying lip service.

Couple talking  (Shutterstock)

The best thing ever is to fall in-love over again with the person you were in love with when you exchanged vows. For people who want their relationships to end in marriage you have to know if the one you are dating is marriage material.

I got inspired and here are some questions your partner should answer confidently if they are really ready for that kind of commitment:

1. How will you prioritize us, before and after the children?

2. Will you continue to woo me after our marriage?

3. Why do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?

4. Will you constantly show me how much you love me?

5. How will you contribute to keeping us happy?

6. Will you promise to always communicate anything with me?

7. Why do you love me?

8. How will you be as a parent active or just a financial contributor?

9. How will you help us get through tough times together?

Your partner should be able to answer these questions boldly without difficulty.

8 signs you need to quit your relationship now

8 signs you need to quit your relationship now

When a relationship becomes unbearable due to certain unpleasant circumstances, then you might consider ending it.

                        Unhappy couple 

People get into relationships with hope that it would last for a very long time, but that isn't always the case sometimes.

When a relationship becomes unbearable due to certain unpleasant circumstances, then you might consider ending it.

So how do you know when to quit a relationship that's not working? Here are eight signs you need to look out for:

1: Infidelity: While you may give your partner a second chance if they cheat on you, you may also need to consider letting them go when this becomes a regular occurence. The first time may be a mistake, but repeated acts of infidelity is inexcusable and you don't have to put up with such a person. Someone who hurts your feelings over and over again does not love you, so you need to let them go

2: Physical Abuse: If your partner hits you once, there's a chance it can happen again. Whether it happened when your partner was drunk or during a heated argument, this is a real cause for concern. You might decide to forgive and forget, but you will always live with that emotional scar. A person who has no emotional and physical restraints is a time bomb waiting to explode. Save yourself the trouble and end the relationship.

3: Negative Addiction: You cannot have a fruitful relationship with a person who is perpetually high on drugs or alcohol. Sooner or later, they'll drag you into their fuzzy world of addiction. A person who you cannot carry on a normal conversation with because their heads are always in the cloud, isn't worth your time.

4: Deception: A partner who tells lies every time is not someone that can be trusted. Of what use is your partner if you can never get a truthful response from them on simple matters? If you only hear the truth about something your partner did or said from other people, then it would be wise for you to drop this person before you drown in a sea of lies.

5: Poor Communication: One of the keys to a lasting relationship is communication. However, if you find yourself in a relationship where you and your partner hardly talk or have nothing to say to each other when you are together, something is terribly wrong. If you cannot carry on a normal discussion without resorting to arguments and fights, then you two will do better apart than together.

6: Disrespect: Respect is reciprocal - to receive it, you have to first give it. This has nothing to do with age, but more to do with courtesy. A relationship where the two people involved talk nasty to each other or treat one another like rivals, is one that needs to end. Note that respect comes naturally in a loving relationship. This means a lack of mutual respect in your relationship indicates a short supply of love.

7: You've Grown Apart: Perhaps the fire in your relationship has died down after years of being together. There's still a chance of revival in this kind of situation - take a trip together, do the exciting things that made your relationship fun in the past or go for counselling. If none of these works, then it's possible you two are tired of the relationship or simply grown apart. At this point, it's fine to start considering a breakup.

8: It's All About Sex: If all you and your partner get into is sex, sex and more sex, there's a major problem. Do you only connect when you're in bed? Does your conversation only revolves around sex? Obviously, this is a Friends With Benefits (FWB) arrangement. This kind of relationship lacks substance and will eventually fizzle out. If you need to be in a real relationship, quit this one and move on.

 Couple arguing  (Shutterstock)