Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Sunday, April 07, 2019

5 Nigerian Habits You Need To Stop Before It Kills You

5 Nigerian Habits You Need To Stop Before It Kills You



Without much ado.... Here we go.


We know electricity isn’t friendly in Nigeria, so man has to find a means to generate his own. 

At this age, almost every Nigerian owns a generator, from the industrial size to the ‘I better pass my neighbor’ size. 

Most of these generators are placed near the house, thereby diluting the surrounding air with high levels of Carbon dioxide and Carbon monoxide. 

Quick reminder, humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, then nature through photosynthesis takes place and carbon dioxide is converted to oxygen and the cycle goes on and on.

The body NEEDS oxygen to survive BUT Carbon dioxide is harmful to it. The increase in the rate of generator ownership is alarming, soon our air will be completely contaminated with the harmful carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and we don’t even have enough trees to convert it to oxygen. What are we going to breathe in?


 Who doesn’t know of the dreadful Nigerian mosquitoes, of course we do! 

Everyone hates them, from their annoying buzzing in the ears to the way they suck on our blood like they are drinking chilled zobo, who won't want to kill them? 

Besides no one wants to have malaria, those tiny creatures can give someone an illness that requires giant treatments. So we have to kill them! 

But brother, sister, it is mosquitoes we plan on killing and not ourselves! Why would you fumigate and still stay indoor? No matter how odorless the insecticide is, you should not stay indoors with it. It kills a living organism why do you think it can’t kill you? It kills mosquitoes faster because of their size but the content of the insecticide is still harmful to you, and it’s only a matter of time. 

Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean, little inhaling of insecticide finally kills a man! Ever heard of families who died when they slept? They probably choked on insecticide.


Superman, wonder woman, Avengers! Nothing can happen right? You are very strong and mighty, weldone oh! Mrs. “Oh I don’t want to wear helmet that someone else has worn” BUY YOUR OWN, brother “the helmet smells” BUY YOUR OWN, Pastor “What if the helmet is charmed?” BUY YOUR OWN! 

Accidents don’t give warning or ask permission! No-one can predict what the road holds, take safety measures people!


I don’t even know where to start with this?

 Like who cursed you? Snap chat, Instastory whatever it is can wait till the food is ready and you are out of the kitchen away from the gas.

 But no, you want to give them as it is hot. 

Sister if you want to do a cooking show go and get a Production Company. 

Your life is too important to be used as a WhatsApp broadcast message of how a lady got killed in a gas explosion because she was Snap chatting while cooking. Your social media fans will not follow you to the afterlife oh!


Oshey! Aquaman, Water bender, Yemoja somebody! 

DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT WATER HAS BEEN? Or WHAT HAS BEEN IN THE WATER? No you don’t, but because its tap water you want to copy oyinbo and drink directly. 

Let me tell you something AIDS isn’t the only thing that’s real, typhoid, hepatitis are also real! 

Most of the water pipes in Nigeria, Lagos precisely, pass through the drainage and I’m sure one or two of you must have spotted a leakage somewhere. 

Now as water is bursting out, some sneaky bacteria and microorganisms are bursting in. Do you need me to remind you the content of our Nigerian drainage? Oh you know, yet you’ll take you cup and fill it directly from the tap and into your mouth it goes! May the Lord forgive you for defiling your body in such a way! 

But even if He does, Typhoid and Hepatitis aren’t so forgiving, they might not be HIV but they also kill if not properly taken care of.

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By Etim / Honey

Friday, January 01, 2016

Read Toyin Aimakhu's estranged husband's reply to a nosy follower

Read Toyin Aimakhu's estranged husband's reply to a nosy follower

A girl, Ganiya, who called Adeniyi Johnson a adulterer, got served in kind yesterday.

Apart from asking Niyi who he's dating now, she went on to ask whether he is getting married to the person he allegedly cheated with.

Niyi however reassured Ganiya that he is now dating her ( Ganiya ) mother, whom he also called his co-adulterer.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Awww! Tiwa Savage cuddles her son in adorable photo

Tiwa and Teebillz finally revealed their son ,Jamil's face in Christmas day ..This lovely photo of Tiwa cuddling her son has been released  . What a love shown by a mother. Am thrilled.

Monday, December 28, 2015

I Left My Wife for A Sexy Lady, Now I'm Living Like A Prisoner – Husband Cries

I Left My Wife for A Sexy Lady, Now I'm Living Like A Prisoner – Husband Cries

It is a difficult thing to let out, but I just have to confess the truth about my stupid love mistake:
I was happily married to my wife for 35 years and we went through ups and downs together. We were blessed with very good and brilliant children - boys and a girl. They all married very well and had good jobs, thanks to my wife who prayed without ceasing over them.

Then my wife and I retired and got some lump sum of money. ‎My wife after praying and fasting, advised us then to invest in a particular (legitimate) business, and the yields were just dumbfounding. I became exhilarated with joy. I have never seen that much money before. I joined the ‘billionaires’ club. Suddenly my life changed. I felt ‘too much:’ for one woman...

I changed my cars, we moved to a choice area in town. I began to be invited to important places. Young pretty girls flocked round me. I also kept company with new friends who were with younger women.

These young women who could whisper all kinds of obscenity into my ears to keep me melting were all over me. I felt like the king of the world. Money was no problem at all. Then I met one of these young vivacious, curvy, pretty girls (let’s call her Dolly) who paid so much attention to me. She would manicure my nails. Massage me all over and I ‘fell in love’. She gave me all kinds of conditions to have her to myself. One of which was to be married to me.

My wife had never ever done me any wrong. She supported me through good times and bad times. When I was really down with loads of burden, she kept the house and paid the children’s fees and not one soul knew about it. The children turned out all well and I knew it was her effort.

Somehow, I cannot really explain what happened. I visited ‎Dolly and her mother, who had cooked a sumptuous meal for me. (Dolly’s mother was about my wife’s age). After I ate and drank, she started giving me conditions. She was a divorcee and said she wanted the best for her daughter. They gave me three months to send my wife packing or no Dolly. I can't really explain what happened by I complied.

I got home and started accusing my wife of all kinds of things. It was from one quarrel to another. I began to hate her with a passion. I called family meeting to report her. The list of her faults were endless - from being overweight, to being to fanatical - that her prayers were curses, and my suspecting an affair with her Pastor and so on and so forth.

She had defended herself successfully through all the accusations, then she told my people (who I had bribed to support me), that she knew what my problem was all about and she would leave for me to have the young blood I was running after. We booed her and called her disrespectful. My younger sister, my wife had rescued from some terrible situation and trained like one of our children, slapped my wife. I just looked on. My wife left the home that day and she owned majority of the household items, but she turned her back against all. The children tried to intervene but I had some better arguments and lies to win them over temporary.

I paid Dolly’s bride price to some uncles.Sadly, I only felt like a king for two weeks of honeymoon. It feels cool having a very pretty girl (like a beauty queen) next to an old man when we go to parties. But for me it ends there. I have been living in hell. ‎Dolly is uncouth, unruly, evil, doesn’t even know God. Her Mouth is full of curses. She has been milking me dry.

I cannot even have sexual relations with Dolly now, I have erectile dysfunction and all other stuff. Dolly must have boyfriends. But in all these I am ashamed to complain to a soul.

I miss my godly wife. I miss her gentleness. I have developed all kinds of ailment as nobody monitors my food. Yes we have all kinds of domestic servants. Dolly has acquired houses and she does not work. She gave me a child (am I really sure the child is mine, just to cover my shame) but it is no fun being with that child as I had with my children or grandchildren.

My children are no longer close to me. Their mother is very okay. God has always heard her prayers speedily and a lot of good things have come her way. She looks happier and younger without me. You can see that she is a happy and blessed person.

As for my family members, Dolly drove them away. I am like a prisoner in my heart and even my own home. I made a terrible mistake, but afraid to admit to the world. I am suffering and smiling.‎ There are things I cannot write in this letter. Even if Dolly was an angel - I realized that there is a time for everything in this world. I am in the Autumn/Winter of my life, it is useless to be with someone in their Spring/Summer time. In all honesty, I cannot be like a virile 30-year old.

I would give anything in the world to turn back the hands of time. I imagine how nice it is to grow gracefully with the wife of my youth. I envy couples who weathered the storm and remain together in their old age. They look so lovely. I guess they understand themselves better.

I hope I can still have the opportunity to make up to my wife. I tried to be friendly to her, she just snubs me and keeps me at arms length. I have tried to send presents to her. She returns them. She admits she has forgiven me but does not want anything to do with me. Ah! God help me, this life…

by a married man who entered the trap of a strange woman.

[Source: Glam Squad Magazine]