Sunday, January 31, 2016

CONFIRMED! Catholic Church Moves Father Mbaka, my removal is a witch hunt

CONFIRMED! Catholic Church Moves Father Mbaka, my removal is a witch hunt

*Says his removal a witch hunt
Popular Catholic priest, Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka has been moved to a new duty post at Our Lady Parish, Umuchigbo, Njinike accompanied by hundreds of his parishioners admirers and well wishers.

He relocated on Saturday after he was transferred from Christ the King parish, GRA, Enugu where he had, over the years, built a cult like fellowship on the strength of precision of most of his prophecies and miracles recorded during prayer sessions at his Adoration Centre.

Father Mbaka prophesised the emergence of President Muhammadu Buhari ahead of last election and also warned him last month of a plot to kill him.

His followers believe he's being punished. Mbaka himself said his new posting is a witch hunt.

As early as 7am on Saturday, a crowd had started forming at the Christ the King parish Enugu preparatory for the movement. Several lorry loads, buses and cars filled with people lined the streets as he made his way to Emene.

Band groups dished out music to which people were dancing. In fact, some were overcome by emotion to the extent that they broke down in tears.

Social and economic activities along major streets came to a halt. The journey lasted four hours.

It was a triumphal exit for Father Mbaka as he addressed the crowd and said: “I know we are going to suffer between now and a few months to come. I am going to suffer and suffer. I know that.

“I’m going to suffer because I have no place to put my head. I am going to suffer because I have no place to keep the Adoration Ministry’s assets.

“I know I’m going to suffer. Fortunately, it is going to happen in the month of lent. So, I am going to use my exit here as a Lenten observance but Jesus said it all in John 16:20 to his apostles that you will be sorrowful and the world will be rejoicing but very soon I will turn your sorrow to joy.

“But for now I know you are going to suffer. The Adoration Ministry is passing through suffering right now even though I’ve accepted that is the will of God. Is the will of God through suffering? It is a mega suffering

“The quantum of the assets of the Adoration Ministry is the only thing I am bothered about for now.

“Where am I going to keep them? I am going to stay in one small room that has only one small bed, one small table, little toilet and bathroom. So where am I going to keep all the adoration assets?

“My clothing and books I can keep in the car or somebody’s house but where will I keep these assets that I have given to the Catholic church of Enugu?

“But I say may God take the glory and whoever that has offended me, I have forgiven.

“I won’t fight anybody or even dream of battling anybody. If anybody allows the devil to use him, the same that advised you to make a mistake will laugh at you when you cry over the error. The baby is born, there is no going back.

“We are moving out. We have been doing it and we will do it again. Moses was going out with a rod in his hand, Mbaka is moving out with his Bible and this nobody can take away from me.”

I am telling you people as a courageous leader, do not be afraid. "We are moving and in not distant time, you people are going to smile."

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